My Story

Some of my earliest memories are of sitting at the kitchen counter in my childhood home in Costa Mesa, CA helping my mom make cookies. Not only did I learn from her the exact color chocolate chip cookies should be when they emerge from the oven, I also learned that part of the reason you make treats is to make people happy. I also remember nights when my parents would team up in the kitchen to make wedding cakes. In an act of seamless teamwork, mom would bake, dad would decorate, and the outcome was magic. I knew that what happened in our kitchen was special, and I wanted to share it with all of my friends. Our home was open to anyone who wanted to sit at the counter and be part of the magic.
When I left for college, I missed that sense of "togetherness" I felt in my parents' kitchen. So, I kept up the tradition as an adult with the friends and family I made. Life trudged on, I got a job in politics, I married my dreamy boyfriend, and spent my down time dreaming, decorating, playing, teaching, and experimenting with all sorts of delicious things. During a time of professional transition for both me and my husband, Ethan, we decided we'd take our relationship to the next level--we'd open a bakery together.
So, in 2009, we opened our first Sweet Tooth Fairy Gourmet Bake Shop in Provo, Utah. And the rest is history! We now have 4 locations. Ethan, and I manage the business together and most days we question if we own it—or if it owns us. That said, we have loved the experiences that have come from starting something from scratch and growing it into something much bigger than just us in our basement kitchen 12+ years ago. We are constantly humbled and awed by what we have built together. Mostly that goes for our 6 amazing children, but the bakeries are no small feat! Much like the kids, they are constantly teaching us humility and are a source of rewarding, but never-ending work.
I love my business and working with people I love to make treats that make people happy. But what I love the most is being home, with my family, sitting around the kitchen counter. It is still my favorite place to be. Food is my love language. I love sharing it. It is gratifying to take something that fulfills a basic human need and make it special by putting my heart into it. My sweet dad used to always say “the more you serve me, the more you love me” and I see making food and baking treats as act of service. The happiness I share comes back to me ten-fold. It is so uplifting, and I hope that by sharing some delicious recipes and experiences with you, you will feel inspired to spend more time in the kitchen making memories and serving --- even if that means you’re serving yourself a piece of cake. xoxo-- Megan